%%{init:{"theme":"base", "flowchart": {"htmlLabels": true}, "themeVariables": {"primaryColor":"white", "secondaryColor":"white", "tertiaryColor":"white", "mainBkg":"#f2f2f2", "nodeBorder":"#7F7F7F", "clusterBkg":"#FFF9FB"}}}%% flowchart TB A([< BACK]) --> B[Ensure the inputs,</br>methods and outputs</br>of the standard procedure</br>are well-defined] B --> C[Define the class</br>of problems or applications</br>this procedure</br>will be used for] C --> D[Agree the management</br>objective for the</br>standard procedure] D --> E[Design and perform</br>a scientific assessment</br>and uncertainty analysis</br>of the extent to which</br>the standard procedure</br>will achieve the management objective] E --> F{Is there</br>sufficient probability</br>of achieving</br>the management objective</br>to an acceptable extent?} F -- Yes --> G[Document the assessment</br>and uncertainty analysis</br>of the standard procedure] F -- No --> H[Modify the standard</br>procedure in ways that</br>you expect to achieve</br>the management objective] H --> I[Redo the assessment</br>and uncertainty analysis</br>for the modified procedure] I -.-> E G --> J[[Make the standard</br>procedure available</br>for use]] click A "../uncertaintyanalysis.html" "Go Back" _self click B callback "See Section 7.1." click C callback "See Section 17 regarding reporting." classDef dark fill:#0d5caa,stroke:#0d5caa,stroke-width:0px,color:#fff class A,Z dark